That’s not the AWS I am talking about, although my warning in advance is that I found the other AWS pretty cumbersome when I first used it. After scouring quite a few posts it seams the general consensus that this may be by design. Anyway that is something I’ll just have to get used to,… Continue reading Advanced Warning System
A New Model
Where I work has been going through a restructure and as of next year we will have a new operational model. As yet there has been no real details of what that may look like, however it has made me think about the changing landscape of how the business of analytics is conducted. Throughout my… Continue reading A New Model
How much p-value?
Ok so this is my first post in a long while. Life gets in the way some times. If I intend to stop posting I’ll at least do you the courtesy and let you know. We all need a break from time to time, but now that I am back with fresh eyes and ears… Continue reading How much p-value?
TV Sucks
Somewhere a while back I got semi addicted to watching Youtube rather than watching our free to air TV here in Australia. This is partly because as TV funding has been eroded by the Internet TV is now dominated by cheap shitty reality TV. So I started searching Youtube for more interesting content, and as… Continue reading TV Sucks
Cloud for Rent?
If you’re like me you’ll understand, I love bargain hunting for cheap secondhand PC parts, and as such I’ve amassed modest collection of parts and Frankenstein computers. So the cost of hardware to me has never really been an issue. Obviously if you’re a gamer you’ll want decent kit, but for me I’m perfectly fine… Continue reading Cloud for Rent?
Rise of the Robots (Part II)
Boy two months gone already into the New Year, my web scraping journey has been an interesting one so far to say the least. I get the impression I have only just scraped the surface. I have learnt a thing or two though, and lost some respect for Google. I’ve also learnt that being respectful… Continue reading Rise of the Robots (Part II)
Rise of the Robots (Part I)
When I was at university I would help my dad with house painting for some cash. So when I hear the term ‘Web Scraping’ I think of scraping paint off some kind of virtual Internet wall. I suppose in some kind of way that is what it is; only the paint is data. As the… Continue reading Rise of the Robots (Part I)
Monty Python’s Flying Clusters
In my last post I went through a tutorial for an application called R; which currently in data science circles is very popular. In this post I’ll show you another very popular alternative – Python. Python is not an application, but a programming language. I personally only started learning Python about six months ago and… Continue reading Monty Python’s Flying Clusters
Dangling the Predictive Caret
Data science is a big area to tackle, but a core area is predictive analysis. Prediction if correct, in a business setting; you could probably say is priceless. So where does one start? Well the choice for many is to either use R or Python, in this post I’m using R. I’m not going to… Continue reading Dangling the Predictive Caret
BCP – Bulk Copy (Pain?) Procedure
So very recently in my working life I was offered a chance to build a database using SQL Sever. Historically I’ve always been an Oracle user, so I thought that this would be a great opportunity to get familiar with Microsoft’s enterprise database product and also capture some of the challenges that I came up… Continue reading BCP – Bulk Copy (Pain?) Procedure