Advanced Warning System

That’s not the AWS I am talking about, although my warning in advance is that I found the other AWS pretty cumbersome when I first used it. After scouring quite a few posts it seams the general consensus that this may be by design. Anyway that is something I’ll just have to get used to,… Continue reading Advanced Warning System

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TV Sucks

Somewhere a while back I got semi addicted to watching Youtube rather than watching our free to air TV here in Australia. This is partly because as TV funding has been eroded by the Internet TV is now dominated by cheap shitty reality TV. So I started searching Youtube for more interesting content, and as… Continue reading TV Sucks

Cloud for Rent?

If you’re like me you’ll understand, I love bargain hunting for cheap secondhand PC parts, and as such I’ve amassed modest collection of parts and Frankenstein computers. So the cost of hardware to me has never really been an issue. Obviously if you’re a gamer you’ll want decent kit, but for me I’m perfectly fine… Continue reading Cloud for Rent?

Monty Python’s Flying Clusters

In my last post I went through a tutorial for an application called R; which currently in data science circles is very popular. In this post I’ll show you another very popular alternative – Python. Python is not an application, but a programming language. I personally only started learning Python about six months ago and… Continue reading Monty Python’s Flying Clusters